Sunday 23 February 2014

Updates etc

Hello everyone,

I'm sorry it's been a while again, but honestly I haven't had a lot to talk about just recently. I had good intentions of making regular blog posts about anything I saw in the news regarding equality; I wanted to make this blog not just about my story, but the struggles and victories of the LGBT community everywhere, but to be honest I lost momentum with it as of late.
I really do want to be more active on here though, and share more of my thoughts and opinions. Maybe I'll find the motivation again in the next few weeks, and I can start my regular ramblings again!

Just so you all know, Jon and I are still waiting to hear back from the US immigration services about our petition. According to our lawyers, we are still well within the timeframe we can expect to wait, so there's really nothing we can do. It's frustrating at best, and on some days, when you're feeling down and missing each other, I can assure you it feels like an absolute eternity.


Tuesday 4 February 2014

Congratulations to Scotland on Passing Marriage Equality!

Hello everyone,

Although it was inevitable, this evening the Scottish parliament passed equal marriage in Scotland, 105 to 18!

Although the United Kingdom has Civil Partnerships which afford practically the same rights as marriage (and has done for many years now), full marriage equality is a devolved issue, meaning that it is up to the UK constituent countries to pass its own laws on. England and Wales passed their own equal marriage legislation earlier this year, which is due to come into effect in March. This means the only region of the UK that will not have full marriage equality will be Northern Ireland, although they continue to have Civil Partnerships though, as that is UK law.

All in all, very good news!
