Thursday 9 January 2014

Happy New Year! I'm still here... Updates!

Hello everyone!

First of all, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014! Second, apologies for not being on here for so long, but honestly, there hasn't been too much to report.

Jon and I welcomed the new year in at Disneyland Paris (where else would you expect us to be?! LOL!), and had a blast as we always do.
Other than that we haven't been up to too much.

We still haven't heard any more on our I-130 petition. We have been in contact with our lawyers as recent as last night, and they informed us that at the moment the processing for applications is taking around 5-6 months (argh!), which means that where we expected to already have our approval notice by now, we now have at least another two months! Eurgh! But, I have to admit, it put our minds at ease, as we would rather the whole thing be taking longer for everyone, than it just be us - otherwise we might start to worry there was a problem!

Of course, there is no reason to worry, and both of us are very regular people (well, as regular as you can be, but anyway!), with nothing that would potentially hold our application back, so I guess it's just a waiting game. Having said that, when it's your entire future hanging on one piece of paper, it can be quite nerve-racking!

Anyway, I thought I would share with you just a few pictures from my favourite moments from 2013.

Enjoy the photos!


Our wedding!

New Year's Eve Dinner at the Hotel New York

Taking a trip on the Monorail

Our wedding!

Meeting the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

Jon and I

Our wedding!

Jon and I with our friend Robert

Jon, Loren and I at Walt Disney Studios

Stitch's Dream

Me with a mini Eiffel Tower… in Tokyo!

Fun in Tokyo DisneySea

Jon, Loren, Steve and I

Me, Jon and Tomoko

My fan club (don't ask LOL!)

1 comment:

  1. Finally you update your blog! You'd never see me lapsing like that. LOL! Of course you know I'm kidding.

    In all seriousness, I keep my fingers crossed that everything can get worked out and you'll be able to be with Jon, your husband, at last!

    And thanks for the photos! Some of those were my favorite moments as well!
