Thursday 16 January 2014

New Year, New Concept

Hello everyone,

The last few days, I have found myself getting quite fired up over some political issues that have featured in the news. I try to refrain from posting my views over the various social networks I belong to, as I don't want to create any unease or tension with my friends, family and contacts. I understand that not everyone has the same views and opinions, and I respect that. On the other hand though, I can be quite opinionated, and like to be quite vocal about my views!

With that, I have decided to spice up this personal blog into something more encompassing, something that will be an outlet for my views and opinions, so I can freely share them without fear of indadvertedly causing offence. Of course, I am for freedom of expression and freedom of speech, and you might think I wouldn't care if I posted my views and someone didn't like it, but, I am also anti-confrontation. If I can avoid an argument, I will. I don't mind debates (bring them on, I say!), but an argument because of something I've said on Facebook has caused offence, is not my intention.

Over the next few days, I will be changing this blog around to accommodate the new format, and will also come up with a new name. Eventually I will set up my own domain name, and probably move the entire thing to a personal website that Jon will set up for me, and will be hosted on our own server (we won't need a new one, we have a lot of space on our Character Central one already!).

Our journey through the immigration system will still feature heavily on here, for as you well know, that is a chapter of our lives that is far from over, and is what brought about this entire blog in the first place.

It's Friday tomorrow, so have a good weekends everyone!



  1. I am looking forward to your new format and to reading your thoughts!!!

    1. Thanks. As you know, it's not really been my week, so I haven't been able to make the start on it that I would have liked! Hopefully soon :)
